Club Officer of the Year

This award recognizes the most outstanding club officer whose leadership and accomplishments greatly benefited their club.

Judging Criteria: Club Involvement (25%), Special Contributions (35%), District/International Involvement (20%), Leadership and Initiative (20%)

Community Project of the Year

This award recognizes the top three clubs who successfully conducted an outstanding service project that benefited their community.

Judging Criteria: Impact and Effectiveness of Project (50%), Project Promotion (25%), Participation of Members: (25%)

Advisor of the Year

This award recognizes the most outstanding club advisor who has gone above and beyond the call of duty for the benefit of their club.

Judging Criteria: Club Involvement (25%), Special Contributions (35%), District/International Involvement (20%), Leadership and Initiative (20%)

District of the Year

This award recognizes the top three districts that have proven to be outstanding through the organization of district projects, participation in Junior Civitan International in general and growth as a district (in membership and participation).

Judging Criteria: District Activities (35%), District Growth (30%), International Participation (25%), District Promotion (10%)

Campus Project of the Year

This award recognizes the top three clubs who successfully conducted an outstanding service project benefiting a school. with the single most outstanding community project.

Judging Criteria: Impact and Effectiveness of Project (50%), Project Promotion (25%), Participation of Members (25%)

Junior Civitan of the Year

This award recognizes the most outstanding member who best exemplifies the ideals of Junior Civitan. This award includes an International Honor Key and a $1,000 Shropshire Scholarship.

Judging Criteria: Club Involvement (25%), Special Contributions (35%), District and International Activities (20%), Leadership and Initiative (20%)

 Club of the Year

This award recognizes the top three clubs that have proven to be outstanding through the organization of club projects, participation in district and international in general and through growth as a club (in membership and participation).

Judging Criteria: Club Activities (35%), Club Growth (30%), District/International Participation (25%), Club Promotion (10%)

District Project of the Year

This award recognizes the top three districts who successfully conducted an outstanding district-wide service project during the year.

Judging Criteria: Impact and Effectiveness of Project (50%), Project Promotion (25%), Participation of Clubs/Members (25%)

Governor of the Year

his award recognizes the most outstanding district governor whose leadership and accomplishments helped to benefit their district.

Judging Criteria: District Involvement (25%), Special Contributions (35%), International Involvement (20%), Leadership and Initiative (20%)

Chair of the Year

This award recognizes the most outstanding district chair who has gone above and beyond the call of duty for the benefit of their district.

Judging Criteria: District Involvement (25%), Special Contributions (35%), International Involvement (20%), Leadership and Initiative (20%)